The 12.5 x 50 Storage Unit Guide
The 12.5×50 Storage Unit
The 12.5×50 Storage Unit is a treasured size here at Garden of the Gods Self Storage. We have had some rented for as long as 20 years! Every once in a while, you stumble upon something that can fit a lot of different needs, and the 12.5×50 Storage Unit tends to be that unit.
To start, it gives you the best price per square foot of any storage unit here at Garden of the Gods Self Storage. Everyone likes to save money, so if you need a lot of space this is the cheapest way to do it!
Some people like to store a vehicle with some household belongings, others use it solely for two vehicles, they can even be used for RV’s and other large vehicles because of the 11×14 door.
We have three different types of 12.5×50’s here at Garden of the Gods Self Storage, and we have made this guide to help you pick the one that works best for you! Directions to our convenient location.
12.5×50 Storage Unit
See our other unit sizes and prices.

The 12.5×50 Storage Unit Short Drive
This is our first type of 12.5×50, and as it says in its title, this has a short drive compared to the long drive ones. The drive is about 22 feet long, like most normal storage unit drives. These units are ideal for normal vehicle storage, household, or commercial storage, as any moving truck and car can approach the unit. The large door makes parking a vehicle easy and convenient. The size of the unit allows a vehicle to be stored in the front and furniture and boxes placed in the back, or two vehicles. Shelves can be placed in the unit to be used for commercial needs for large inventories. However, these units may not fit the need you are looking for, luckily there are other 12.5×50 storage units.
The 12.5×50 Storage Unit Long Drive
Unfortunately, most mini storages are constructed with a cost per square foot concept, so units are packed in closely and having a large unit does not necessarily mean you can park a large vehicle. Luckily that is where the 12.5×50 Long Drive comes into play. These are just like the short drive version; except they have a 60-foot drive to enter the unit. Even 45-foot vehicles can back-in to these units. We have had everything from firetrucks, school buses, and helicopters stored in the long drive versions of the 12.5×50. We have electrical plugs for batteries, and a RV dump on the site for large vehicles to prepare for winter or clean out after a trip!
However, RVs, trailers, and other large vehicles are not the things that can take advantage of the long drive. Tractor trailers can easily enter our property and unload directly in these units with no shuttle fee risk. Typically, a 12.5×50 is 625 square feet. Most out of state moves require multiple units, normally one for furniture and the other for everything else. Sometimes it can be more if there is a vehicle that has to be stored. We have even taken this type of 12.5×50 up a level by building mezzanines in them, which leads us to the last type of 12.5×50.
The 12.5×50 Mezzanine
We have had many people say they wish they had a little more space in the unit to store a few items with a vehicle or two. This is where the 12.5×50 mezzanine comes into play. We have built a 250 square foot mezzanine in the rear of the unit with a stairway for convenient access to the top. This mezzanine allows household items to be stored above and vehicles to be stored below. This can be great for placing summer cars and motorcycles below, and the extra clothes and garage items above. The uses are not solely residential though, a business can store a company car and inventory or records just as easily.
We could probably go on for pages about the uses of these units, after 20 years, we have seen a lot of clever ways to use them! If you have a specific use, you would like to ask about or maybe you’re interested in some of our other sizes of units with 60-foot-long drives! Either way, feel free to contact the front office at (719) 265-5900 to find out!